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Insight about the school system

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School : "Shame on him He's immature!" "You're immature!" 

"You naughty brat!" "Devil!!" 

What the school system should really do : 

What marks a mature person? 

How does one become mature? 

What makes someone mature for their age? 

How & why do certain individuals become very mature for their age "(ahead of their time") & what sort of difference in results & LT exponential growth do they get to the average? 

What keeps someone immature? 

Why are some adults immature? 

Long lists of examples .... lists & lists & lists 


What the school system actually does : 

"You're really immature, you suck!" 

"Now put your head down & focus on those grades, because "Those grades will prove that you're mature & wise (good grades = great life!)" (No they wont)

I wish school actually showed and explained to me what maturity and wisdom fundamentally is in a persuasive way, but it didn't in fact it deepened my foolishness & neuroticism by inducing guilt & pressure into getting good grades & by shaming me for my immaturity rather than explaining it. 

School is a massive fucking cult & I fell for it. 

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