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How Do I Gain Insights From Meditation?

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Hello Actualized community :) 

So I've been telling myself I've been meditating for almost a whole year now daily. However, I'm not sure I'm doing it right - "There's no way of doing meditation wrong, as long as you are present with what is rising in you in the Now, you are meditating" - Yes I think I realize, its just that I feel that I'm not getting anything out of my meditations anymore. 

What I've been doing is sitting for 20 minutes each day. Things I attempt are counting breaths, strong sitting, mindfulness, do nothing and inquiry meditations. However, I don't feel that I've had any major insights or revelations in understanding myself... I just sort of sit there.

Some little things I've noticed however is that when I'm doing do nothing for example, sometimes when I notice a thought, I cut it dead. Other times I realize moments later that I've been lost in thought for a few minutes. I never feel that I'm watching the thought moment by moment. Any advice on this? 

Another thing is that I feel I am becoming identified this "philosophy" (even though I know it shouldn't be) of "trying to become enlightened". I took some questions like: 'Where do thoughts come from?' 'Who is the perceiver of thoughts?' 'Who am I?' to the Buddhist teacher that comes in to take meditation classes at uni. His advice was to ask those questions of myself when I'm "meta". I don't really understand this either - I felt something once you could describe potentially as meta although I can't get back there. I feel I intellectually ask these questions because I want to make myself look further along this journey than I actually am. So my question on this is how do I truly understand these questions? I don't feel my meditations are helping me to understand.

I just don't know and its starting to frustrate me that after all this time I don't feel that I'm improving. Any advice? 

Thanks for reading :) 

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