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Former Bodybuilder Exposes The Madness of Bodybuilding

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This is a very good rant from a former bodybuilder who recently had a heart attack and survived. He talks about his experience with bodybuilding and all the negatives associated with it.


Edited by SQAAD

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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

This is a very good rant from a former bodybuilder who recently had a heart attack and survived. He talks about his experience with bodybuilding and all the negatives associated with it.

Kali muscle is one of the OG-s. Bodybuilding in an of itself is not bad for your health or for your mental state. The problem comes when you want to do it on a certain level. The other problem is that there is still a lot of dishonesty among these 'bodybuilding gurus'. They are telling you that they are natural and you can achieve their body level without using any PEDS or steroids. A lot of instagram pictures are full of editing and filters and they have the best angle and lightning makes you think that your body looks like shit, and you don't go hard enough. Also there is a lot of insecurity among these extremist bodybuilders.

The solution is to educate everyone about the side effects and show these extreme examples that you will lose a lot, if you are doing the sport extremely obsessively. Now if you want to still do it on a top level, then go for it, but you need to know what you sacrifice for what, and you need to know how you will break down yourself and potentially kill yourself.


 That being said doing bodybuilding naturally, being a little bit more focused on your diet and daily routine don't have negative effects its the opposite.


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