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How would you define 'effective networking'?

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I see networking as collaborations on projects,  actually expanding your client base through in person interactions that actually lead to sales, opportunities and collaborations. Having your network of clients or collaborators expanded through word of mouth referrals or by directly connecting with you online, or you connecting with them.

Things that actually increase your sales, clients or business opportunities.

Offering value to people upfront such as free services and products.

Going to a wine mixer or expat bar and exchanging social media contacts whilst getting drunk doesn't seem to be that effective. lol. A lot of expats try to start service based businesses in Asia but often fail to build much traction.

My life coach said 80% of his client networks comes from word of mouth referrals and social media and the other 20% comes from online or him going to a random events, meeting people and picking up clients randomly.

Personally, I am building a business around sharing and teaching yoga.

Of course networking varies depending on the nature of the business.

Any discussion, insights and tips on networking and building  a client base is welcome.




Edited by Spence94

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