
How To Self-actualize In War Zones

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The more I know about  Self-Actualization , the more I understand   that it requires lots of stability and security in order to be fully achieved . But since I'm living in a distribute area ( Syria, Lebanon, Middle East )  , growing up with all the suffering , the blood and the human crisis , I am thinking how can I get the best of my case . We need to reconsider in our journey into Self -Actualization , that there are a lot of drama around us , and not only think of fixing ourselves but the whole community we're living in . I would be very glad to hear your insights about this subject . 

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Hey Rayana !

It's pretty cool that you've been seeking to actualize even with such difficulties :D 

Maybe you could use this suffering to your advantage and bring awareness to all the emotions and thoughts that it causes in your mind.

Think about how you can grow from your situation ^_^

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Hi Rayana

Reading your post I can't help but to think about this video. If you take Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as a model for self-actualization, then a war zone makes maintaining those basic layers very difficult. But I think that doesn't make self-actualization impossible. Maybe you can even use all that hatred and suffering as @Bruno Sousa said to feed your process.

I can't really relate to your situation since I probably live in the most stable place on this planet but I'd love to hear about your experiences and impressions.

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1 hour ago, Mkayl said:

I can't really relate to your situation since I probably live in the most stable place on this planet but I'd love to hear about your experiences and impressions.

same here

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@Bruno Sousa thanks for your encouragement and your sweet  advice  , I

Really appreciate it . 

@Mkayl  I did think about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs  when I was posting . It seems that I  need to find my own way . 

I'm living in Lebanon , it's a small country in the Middle-East . Next to us there's Syria where terrorism is killing men,raping women and probably selling kids . 

In such circumstances , It is probably selfish to be so  self absorbed . I know that I need to be the change I want to see in the world . But it is so overwhelming at the moment .

I would like to hear about your journey as well guys ! 


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My journey is just beginning haha.

For a long time I was just lost in theory, I don't think personal development gurus and writers stress how much important ACTION really is. To really be effective on personal development we need to find ways to apply the theory PRACTICALLY on our lives.

There's a slight difference between knowing something INTELLECTUALLY and PRACTICALLY, and I'm just starting to pass things to the practical side hehehe

As Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit."


I think the best kind of personal development you can be doing right now is consciousness work, why don't you check it out ? ;)


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@Rayana Do you think that doing self-actualization is selfish? I sometimes think so too. In order to go deep I need time to myself, sometimes a lot of it. I can imagine that especially in places with a lot of insecurity and drama people kind of expect you to be there for them and support them. Or that's what you expect from yourself. But going reclusive is just one way of self-actualizing. Maybe one way doing it differently would be to be as active as you think you need to be, but use the situations that present themselves to you as a practice. Practicing being aware of your emotions as they happen so you are able to choose how to react with awareness in any given situation. Or maybe you can even find a way of using those highly charged emotions, be it positive or negative, to energise you and help achieve the change you want to achieve. That is if you look at emotions from the perspective of energetic charges. There are so many ways of doing self-actualization so don't give up on it :).

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@Bruno Sousa Can't agree more ! Our daily routine has the ULTIMATE POWER . And it is not that simple to stay on track . I found recently that we don't have to do it all at once . We need to set like three to four goals daily ( it would be meditation , reading ,yoga , eating healthy ..for me ) and in a year we will notice the difference :) 

I hope that you will find your way , and your balance and I wish you the BEST :)

@Mkayl On point , yes . I do think that self -actualization is selfish sometimes. But as you said, we need to create our own path according to our values,our beliefs and our calling in life . 

 I will work on  my Emotional Intelligence , it seems a perfect way to deal with those loads of emotions .

Thanks for your wise words :) 

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On 2016-02-11 at 4:31 PM, Rayana said:

... I am thinking how can I get the best of my case ...

Greetings Rayana,

You are a courageous soul.  There are few who give a try.   You are amongst the few.   You are not alone. 
Take courage that there are endless possibilities.   The world of phenomenon is often difficult to navigate.
Many are sick and mentally disturbed.  They have fears and lack of true guidance - so the anger spreads and there are wars.

Perhaps a few words from you countryman will help:

Your living is determined not so much
by what life brings to you
as by the attitude you bring to life;
not so much by what happens to you
as by the way your mind looks at what happens.

~ Khalil Gibran

love and joy :)


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@walt I can't describe how nice your words are . It's true, our living is determined by what we bring to life :)  

Thanks for your wisdom and your sweet soul . I hope you the best in your journey .

God bless you ! 

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Hey Rayana ! How are you doing ?

Thanks for the kind words :)


So, I was reading The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem and I saw something that you might find interesting about selfishness...

Self-Esteem and Selfishness.png

Edited by Bruno Sousa

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