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Thinking About College (rambles)

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Here's whats been running through my mind lately 'bout college

Soon in the near future I will be applying for colleges and I still feel a bit nervous about if i'll choose the right school or follow the right career choice. Right now I'm interested in astronomy and physics and was looking toward studying possibly in those fields, but I need some more in-depth experience besides just thinking about it. I feel confident I can make it into any college i'd like. My first question is if those hyper prestigious or "Ivy League" schools are worth it.  I can see some benefits such as more resources, but the cost, oh god. Maybe I should go to a less expensive school as a undergraduate and then switch schools. My second question is, what are your guy's opinion on liberal arts schools, did they help you as a undergrad. Last, is studying abroad necessarily a good idea? I mean it gives you a culture shock (usually)  and may help you learn more about yourself. Anyways these were just brief things that were bugging my that in the end i'll have to make my own choices for.


Have a good day


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When looking at a school to go with ensure you are passionate about the subject you choose to study, you can always get a part time job in this field while you study to gain experience. To me it doesn't matter weather you go to go high prestige school or not, it depends on weather they have good teachers and they have a good response rate with successful students. Although a well known school can get you more opportunities and depending where you apply to work, employers look at where you studied and if its a well known top school, they will assume you have had the best education. You can also get excellent education through other schools. 

I think studying abroad is a great idea (depending where you study) it definitely helps you grow and challenges the way you see the world and how you think. It also opens your mind to other opportunities and possibilities. You learn more about yourself because you don't have a safety net in another country, you just have you to rely on. 

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