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remembering, forgetting, desire

You can make your dream feel like whatever you want. But do you know what you want? If you've been abused you have a hard time knowing what you want. It's because you're used to conforming to what others want so you never truly know what you want. You want to stay safe. But nothing can keep you safe. Because it is only through danger that we know safety. Don't you see? What even is safety? It's something you have made up entirely and then forgotten that you have made up. Just like everything else you have made up in your dream. You create, then forget. Create, then forget. Create– build on that creation– and then double forget everything you have done because of your incredible humility for yourself, to yourself. Until one day you let yourself remember a little. But 'a little' is a string that goes all the way back to the beginning (if there was a 'beginning' or a 'backward' or a 'string'). You suddenly remember the start of it all. The thing you weren't supposed to remember. Along with it, you remember why you were supposed to forget and laugh. You love. Your heart is so full it explodes as tears run down your face. You're so grateful, accomplished, elated, you are ready to die. But of course you don't have to die because you already have. You also know that you could never die even if you wanted. So if we want to die, we forget.

Forgetting is dying. And remembering is rebirth. And desire is creation. 

Edited by Gianna

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knowing, unknowing, identity 

'here' is never fully known. how can infinity be known? only by being itself, feeling itself, knowing itself. something that can be truly known is something that is itself. something that can be truly felt is something feeling itself. nothing outside of this is possible because it is already inside. the best way to realize this is to take away everything and see that everything is already there. everything can never not be there because you can never not be there witnessing yourself. you cannot take away you from yourself any more than you can take everything away from everything. from infinity. you're stuck here forever, being yourself. But 'here' is never fully known. 

Edited by Gianna

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confusion, clarity, insight 

in your confusion do you stumble upon the question; the question that adds clarity to the becoming of your confusion. 

it is only through clarity that we know confusion. and it is only through confusion that we can come to clarity. A star is born! 

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