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Spiral Dynamics take on politics of 21st century.

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Trying to piece together the whacky new world we're living in where both parties political values seem to have evolved and devolved. While we've reached stage Green in many respects, stage orange seems disregulated (chrony capitalism, corporatism), the resurgance of red (tea party, trumpism) and the counter of "liberal" blue orthodoxy downshifting to "stamp out hate."

During Obama the explosion of the internet into mainstream society blue was kind of panned as old hatas the country more rapidly embraced green cultural norms. Orange was not properly incorporated and a lot of people downshifted to blue and red. The internet echo chambers allowed people to "find their crowd" and magnified their stage and exposed them to new ideas & echo chambers to either upshift or downshift.

Conservatives forked grew towards orange or back to red. Red = tea party, orange = megachurches/slow abandoning of "christian values" in exchange for consumerism.

Liberals grew further into green but also reverted to blue (censorship, repressive ideology) and in some cases red ("punch a Nazi".)

Trump was able to harness the unaddressed bitter anti-establishment victim complex of "pesecuted white christians" red for his base and then broaden it with his "orange" mass appeal and faux pandering to conservative blue/blue-orange ("religious"). This accelerated the blue revival on the left as a response to the Trump red revival. Things like "wokeism" "metoo" are very green-blue in response to the country's orange red.

So this new "revival of censorship" in many ways is the birth of a new ideology attempting to quell the red uprising that occurred during Trump, trying to use blue authoritarianism to instill green values (because they've skipped orange's lesson of mutual self interest & tolerance.) Many of the Bush era authoritarian policies such as the Patriot act are being embraced by the left and utilized by tech conglomerates (literally using anti-terrorism databases set up for combatting ISIS are now being repurposed for political agendas broadening definition of "domestic terrorism".)

Perhaps the biggest problem is the simple agreement on facts & objective reality. We all have our own "spins" on the truth to bolster our ideology. 


Edited by Dabidoe

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