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Kuba Powiertowski

Nothingness and understanding beyond the mind

2 posts in this topic

The amount of misunderstanding comes directly from the level of consciousness. And it is not that the lower level is worse. It's like saying that 1st grade sucks. You have to finish elementary school to go to college or later to university. Each stage is equally essential and vital. The problem is that perception, nondual understanding is the final frontier of this level of consciousness that we are now experiencing or manifesting as humanity.
The senses and ego-mind are the primary tools of perception at this level. The mind is reductionist, an identifying and evaluating program. THERE IS NO OPTION TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING MORE WITH THESE TOOLS. ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LEVEL. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. NEVER. Therefore, the so-called meditation techniques, psychedelics, lucid dreaming, kriya, etc., are to prepare you to move in areas where the role of these tools, such as the senses or ego, is minimal or not at all. The next level is direct, holistic understanding. This is something that you have to get used to and integrate with. Only further and further trips into oneself, gathering experiences, deep contemplation, removing judgment, developing acceptance of what is - THIS IS THE ONLY WAY including all that each of you will find in your own time.
An example would be the experience of NOTHING, or the so-called loss of consciousness, e.g., in the state of deep sleep or during anesthesia. Well, if you seriously practice mindfulness, sharpen your awareness, consciously observe what is inside and out, you start to experience THIS SOMEONE / SOMETHING that is experiencing. Thoughts, emotions, the world perceived by the senses, the mind's construction. THE ONE who experiences ALL AND NOTHING, emptiness, absolute absence, absolute silence in complete darkness. And then knowledge comes, utterly different from concepts, assumptions, and theorems built on assumptions. WHO IS THE ONE THAT EXPERIENCES ALL THE POSSIBLE STATES? All that is also the states of nothingness. Tours and short trips end here, and the journey begins.
Enjoy the ride:)

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Instead of the new age philosophy, you should be using the old age philosophy. Behind this are thousands of years of testing techniques and integrating knowledge by thousands of yogis, monks, Sufis, shamans, and other devotees to benefit the next generations of human beings.

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