
The Pre-mortem Technique Notes

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Sharing notes, alright going to do the worksheet next

"The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining" - John. F Kennedy

Simple project management technique

The Pre-Mortem Technique '

The post-mortem is basically a company getting together and discussing what they do right and what did they do wrong

Strategic Thinking is important

Use strategic thinking to look for the most important initiatives in your life


Stop the urge to resist looking for babes compulsively, you've been out of the game for 8.5 years, marriage...

Reality is..you're going to have research the opposite sex a bit to freshen up your game

It would be nice to find someone to accept you for who you are, but reality is

It doesn't work that way!!! The probability of you being lonely is high if you do not research the opposite sex. Period

Babes are not a priority

People tend to ignore personal neurosis, and personal  weaknesses as well, A BIIIIIG FACTOR

The Pre-Mortem technique doesn't just apply to business application

It can be applied to many aspects of your life

IMAGINED SCENARIOS: Business didn't work, Marriage didn't work, Date went wrong, Bad relationship with daughter or family member, got fired from a job etc.

The technique:To apply the pre-mortem technique you imagine that you have failed horribly in (insert problem here) your marriage is a great example because it did happen. Make the failures realistic, than list every cause of failure that you can see.

Make sure you also include all the psychological causes of failure. After you have listed all your causes of failure you need to prioritize what are the biggest reasons you failed with your project, to the least reasons why your project failed. Finally you brainstorm a list of solutions to your problems, specific realistic solutions to each problem.

This is an eye opening exercise that will give you direction and tell you what you need to do in order to succeed 

Notes about the technique


For this to work you have to role play, be forward looking and realistic

Don't give in to some paranoia or unrealistic fantasies, for me that means being logical and rational about it

Make sure you include any subtle psychological reasons in this because it's part of the technique

A lot of the time we get caught up in the external, you need to go in the internal as well


Pre-Mortem Technique Exercise


Marriage Failure


1. Internal Wealth Is Poor

2. Nutrition Is Horrid

3. Cigarettes

4. Lack of understanding of the opposite sex

5. Researching and not spending time with family

6. Ignoring her needs

7. Poor relation with step son

8. Sex game is weak

9. Not taking care of myself

10. Learning how to have a conversation




1. Internal Wealth Is Poor  = Actualized.org

2. Lack of understanding of the opposite sex  = Researching the opposite sex and how they operate through various websites to get various opinions

3. Ignoring her needs = Listen and be attentive to what she needs in her life, listen closely... oh.. learn how to develop LISTENING skill..DUH!

4. Poor relation with step son = Patch up the differences with the step son and be patient and understanding, he is young..research child development

5. Conversation skills weak = Learn about body language because it is part of the conversation

6. Sex game weak = Build more stamina through working out with the punching bag and jumping rope CONSISTENTLY, different sex position to spice it up

7. Nutrition = Take a course on nutrition and see what the fuck the body ACTUALLY really needs!

8. Not taking care of myself = Even though you are depressed.. cut your fucking nails man, you'll be less depressed

9. Cigarettes = Buy NicoDermCQ to wee off cigarettes

10. Researching and not spending time with family = Set a day where it's family day and spend time with the family, or at the very least set family time.

Edited by DizIzMikey

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