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Burning Through Karma video - Question for Leo

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First off great episode!  Good insights about not rushing the process and trying to bypass certain material desires. I have felt this in my own spiritual quest and how I know it is holding me back. 

You mentioned in the video one of the things you're still craving is a more spiritually profound, intimate and romantic relationship. Not necessarily just casual sex with someone who you aren't really compatible with. I've been in this boat for a while now as well and feels like one of the limiting steps in my spiritual development. On one hand I understand the possibility that it sometimes just doesn't happen for some people. Some people spend a large portion of their life trying to obtain fame and money and don't reach it so the same sort of applies here. However I do feel if you focus enough of your energy on something you really want, eventually you'll get it. 

My question is what's your plan to fulfill this specific craving? Keep running day/night game? A dating app? Meet someone through a friend organically? I struggle with figuring how to allocate my time here

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