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Thomas Takes Action

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This journal is inspired by a course I just finished called Build a Second Brain created by Tiago Forte, the course was about knowledge management and using digital organisation tools to enhance creativity and completion of projects. 

This journal is not going to contain rants or particularly narrative entries, it will be accounts of ways in which I have been implementing the vast amount of personal development information I have consumed, or even summaries of such content to consolidate my own learning. 

I will also be sharing general insights that have emerged throughout my experience. 

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These are my focuses for the time being: 

Complete Andy Cutler Chelation protocol up until therapeutic dose


Complete APT course

Complete 21 day Hatha Yoga Course and 100 days consistency

Complete 30x30 squat challenge

Complete 7x30 squat challenge


Implement Emotional Mastery/healing Practice (s)

Implement Contemplation practice

Implement mindfulness/meditation practice 


Self help courses that I want to focus on implementing:

- Clear Communication by Eben Pagan

- Full Spectrum Mindfulness by Ken Wilber

- Leo's Life Purpose Course

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A Night of Infield

Myself and a friend of mine went out the other night, as lockdowns have lifted to the point where we go out at night in the CBD. We went to the casino, main clubbing district, and various bars with the intention of approaching and starting a conversation with 10 women before the night was over. My god was this difficult. My intention for getting into pickup is that I want to overcome the fear of talking to women that I don't know, because if I maintain this anxiety, it's an unnecessary limitation. I also want to develop the 'Game' skillset, because when I do meet an awesome person, I would like to be confident in my ability to court her. Also, I enjoy sex, and pickup would increase my sexual options. 

As we aren't that experienced with pickup theory (I've been listening to a summary of Rules of The Game by Neil Strauss, and my friend has been listening to The Mystery Method, neither of us have completed the entire books), we decided to give ourselves credit for just starting conversations with girls, no matter the topic, considering it was our first night out. 

Key Lessons

1. Girls don't seem to like obvious pickup line type openings

I went up to a few girls and asked "Are you a Virgo? I've been looking for a Virgo all night". One of them just gave me a disgusted look and kept walking. Another group of a few girls just kind of joked with me by saying "I'm a Capsicorm", kind of making fun of me in a way. 

2. Girls like being engaged in some sort of game or activity-like conversation

I stopped a couple girls as said "you girls look very stylish, would you rate mine and my friends' outfits in sequential order. I did this to two different pairs of girls, and they really seemed to like (also got some helpful fashion advice I guess haha). 

3. There is so much resistance towards approaching people. 

I literally like froze in anxiety before approaching some people. There is so much gusto that goes into sparking a random conversation with a stranger. 

4. Girls seem to respond to playfulness and confidence. 

My friend was going up to groups of girl saying "have you seen a fat red cat, he's mine and his name is Joe", and they loved it, they would say things like "that's a terrible name for a cat". A girl initiated exchanging Instagram accounts. 

All in all, we approached 10 girls/groups of girls. We had some very fleeting conversations, and others were longer and more engaged. But this was a massive step forward, the first night I did this I manage about 2 girls. I showed myself that it was more than possible to up the quantity, and also how much there is to learn to develop this skillset. 





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General Update

Have begun 30/30 squat challenge. This is a challenge set by movement teacher Ido Portal, 30 days of sitting in a squat position for an accumulative half hour. The benefits of the deep squat position is supposed improved digestion and flexibility. 

I have started this challenge yesterday, and aim to do this everyday for the rest of the month, until I will be starting a 21 day hatha yoga course with Sadghuru's Isha Foundation. 

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LP Course and Contemplation

I've returned to the Life Purpose Course after a couple of years of putting it on the shelf. I just watched the introductory video and took some notes on how to get the most out of the course. 

Leo mentioned briefly talked about victim mindset, which inspired me to do half an hour of contemplating with a journal. Unfortunately this was cut short by my dad coming into the room and me being polite having a conversation with him. 

My initial question of "am I being a victim?" evolved into "what is limiting me that I do not control?". It was difficult to come up with an example, as for each example I wrote down, there was a way I could take control over it e.g. I don't have enough energy; I could research how to get more energy and follow steps to do so. 

Edited by Mada_

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