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Break-up Advices

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My girlfriend just told me that she wants to break up with me.

I should be devastated, she was easy to live by, she was funny and cute, and smart and .... well you get it.

The truth is that I don't really care, and no, I loved her, in fact I still love her !


Why I am not sad then ?

Well, in fact, I cried and I will probably cry more later, I'm feeling also a bit anxious and stressed too.

The trick is, that after 6 months of meditation, comptemplation, and walking mindfullness, I come to the point that I don't identify with my emotions anymore !

The emotions comes and goes, but I know that my mind triesto blame me/or her, and I witness that, and therefore, I can't be depressed, and I can't be truly hurt, because I don't identify with the thoughts !


You have to totally accept the emotions that comes, let them come, notice them, but don't listen to your mind, just feel the emotions, that's it.

Don't blame yourself or your ex boyfriend/girlfriend, and if you do, just witness that's what you're doing, and don't blame yourself because you noticed you started to blame too !

Be kind to yourself, be compassionnate :)


I can't tell you how long it will take to get over it, but I can tell you that you will cut a good part of your recovery speed if you do that.

Now, if you really want to never be bothered again with that kind of pain, or at least feeling it way differently and being able to bypass a good chunk of it,


You need to start meditating, daily, daily, DAILY. 200% COMMITMENT.


Start with the easy techniques, like these (for at least 2/3 months):

- Be sitted with your back straight (you don't need to be in a lotus position).

- Close your eyes (or not depending on the techniques).

- Put a timer on of 20 minutes, to begin with, then add 5 per months (if you want to).


DO IT, this is your entry point to true and lasting happiness ;)


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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