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Is identity just a mode of consciousness for only humans?

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I was contemplating a lil bit cuz I think it's fun and healthy. Is obliterating identity the final experience or goal of a spiritual seeker? Samadhi or ego death? Is there anything to realize or know? Or you just realize that your a piece of creation and when you let go of yourself completely then theres only god. Also sometimes I think like realizing it's nearly impossible. Because you came as a human being and what is you or creation is build in a way to function in a particular way? Also heard sadhguru saying once that when you come as a human being your possibilities are limitless? Why is that? Also when Leo had that 5Meo experience who was experiencing it? Can there be something as just an experience without the experiencer? Is non existence the ultimate truth? Or it's this thing leo talks about, the universe is infinitely conscious of itself. I think I'm going to watch that video again. Peace. 

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