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Down to the red

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Resentfulness. The repressed emotion within. I let it out. 

I say what I need to say. I act what I need to act. Trash word is my gum. 

Nope, make them think is not good option. It doesnt work here. People say what they need to say. They not see you unless you speak hard. They act from their itching ego, bum bum shit plak. 

The good guy attitude not work. It is just make my emotional level goes worse and worse day by day. Make the conflict. Turn it on.

The mud and the dirt under the comfy sofa, let it out. Let them see. Make them see. 

Your pain, your emotion, your demon. Let them see you as it is. 

The people. Lash out if you need to be. Make them down if they abuse. Fight them if they pissed you. Let it out. Let it out. 

It is the basic survival here. Dont act like youre okay. Youre not okay. Youre hurt as fuck. See your open wounds. 

The lion. The bulldog. The wolf. Within. 

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