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Subliminal affirmations for self inquiry/yoga

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I have been using subliminals as a tool to engrain the right kind of energies into my subconscious and I have been using them everyday, they mostly start off very subtly and seeping its way into your dreams until they are engrained enough to become actual, This method works for me since I am already a very energy sensitive person so these subliminals have a very powerful effect on me even though they are just finite words but the configuration of words in these subliminals I am sharing have the possibility to shift you to insane degrees of awareness while being able to integrate them into your practice, Even though just listening is enough to have effects if you wanna half ass it and want the simplest way possible, You will 100% get results with repeated use no doubt about it but its main purpose first and foremost is to absolutely supercharge your practice, Take it for what it is and use these consistently and you may even notice results within a single use combined with meditation and being open to reprogramming, No guarrantees, Keep your expectations openminded and let go of the process, Go into this with the knowledge that your subconscious will never release the affirmations that you heard ever and they will be permanently engrained. Thanks for anyone who listened

P.S. The second one is my channel that I created and I also make meditation music/isochronic tones and psychic programmed audios, Check those out if those peak your interest, Thank you!

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