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The Blind Sage

Meet the badass Kriya yogi-Sri M (In case you don't already know of him)

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The attached image is an excerpt from his autobiography 'Apprenticed to a himalayan master'. In the excerpt, babaji refers to Maheshwernath babaji, and sri guru babaji refers to Mahavatar babaji (the one that Yogananda refers to for all you kriya yoga practitioners). I've read 'autobiography of a yogi' by Yogananda but I didn't enjoy it. Yogananda was a phenomenal yogi and I revere his level of accomplishment but the book is not something I connected with. This book on the other hand, I found quite captivating-it entails the story of a young boy less than 20 years old leaving home to pursue a guru in the himalayas in the mid-20th century.

Here's a Batgap interview with the guy:

There's also a 2nd interview which I didn't attach here.

Here's a link to his website:
You can even get initiated and learn practices from him. Judging from the interview and the book, he seems like hes sincere. Looks like he's the real deal.


*Warning* Radical open-mindedness required. He will make references to crazy paranormal shit. Are they bs? Who knows. I find his perspectives broadens and deepens my understanding, which is the important part, whether the crazy shit he claims happened were real or not is actually not all that relevant.


apprenticed to a himalayan master cover.jpg

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