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I Need To Know The Gist Of Leo's Life Purpose Course?

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I have been saving money to buy this course. I know that this product is going to be fascinating but still I need to know the gist of what I am going to get in return of 250$ course that I am planning to buy. Can anyone help me out is to what exactly this course is and how things will proceed, for how much time I will have to invest to complete this course and how much activities this involve? What are going to be possible outcomes after completing this course? Currently I am using unlimited 4G network for internet. Do I need to download this course or watch videos online?

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~30 hours of watching videos

~10-15 hours of exercises

You watch online. 

It's full of insights Like his YouTube videos, some of the advice, at least for me, was pure Gold. You will know yourself better and what's important to you so it will be much clearer what you want in life.

You will come  out with a sentence that describe your LF.

Anyway, Do it in less than 50 days then you will able to refund it if you are not satisfied. 

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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