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1000 petal lotus

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Dropped acid today and at the peak of the trip when the mind was quiet something told me "the 1000 petal lotus will reveal itself to you". Whats weird was that it wasnt an ordinary thought it almost felt like someone else said it for me, and after a few seconds of silence I realized wait what the fuck who the hell said that. I did some digging around on the web and found that Sahasrara is regarted to as the crown chakra and thats what the lotus represents - does anyone have any info where I can study up on some of this stuff, im still a bit shook from what just happened but very eager to learn. 

Its quite hard to articulate what I experienced because it happened on such a holistic level but while tripping I also came to the realization that for the rest of eternity I will always be in the pursuit to understand who I am and I will always come to the realization that I am god. 

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