Eternal Unity

The Compass

1 post in this topic

I was looking at the object that the person who identified himself as The Galactic Traveler just gave me.

The Galactic Traveler: “It’s yours, Sir. Thank you for lending me The Compass, I found it most useful.”

Gregory Margolis: “I gave you this?”

The stranger took his water jug and gulped what was left in one sip. It appeared like he had made quite a journey to get here.

Traveler: “Yes.”

Greg: “After you were shot in the back and I wandered out of the forest to patch you up…”

Traveler: “That’s right!"

Greg: “And why don’t I remember, well…any of this?”

Traveler: “Because it hasn’t happened yet”

I burst out laughing.

Greg: “I’m not sure what you expect me to tell you, Galactic Traveler.”

Traveler: “I expect you to tell me how to move through Time & Space at Super Luminal speed.”

Greg: “That is very privileged information. Why would I share it with you?”

Traveler: “Because you told me there is something very important I have to do once I’ll have this ability.”


Traveler: “And because… I’m you leader.”

Greg: “You’re my leader?”

Traveler: “That’s what you told me”

Greg: “Look, I certainly don’t want to contradict myself, but we have a specific process for selecting our leadership and it starts at a very young age.”

The man looked to be in his fifties.

Traveler: “All right, what year is it right now?”

Intrigued, I answered.

Greg: “It’s 2011”

The Traveler was struck with awe.

“Are you okay, my friend?” I asked, smiling.

Traveler: “Yes, Sir!”

Greg: “Drop the ‘Sir’, Greg is fine. I haven’t been in the army since the previous November.”

Traveler: “Greg, on May 2nd, 2024. Thirteen years from now, that’s the day I’m born. Soroka Hospital, Beer Sheva. Yes, right here in Israel, I suggest you come and visit me.”

I took a moment to register what The Traveler just told me.

Greg: "For me to take The Compass now will constitute a violation of The Divine Law. You said I gave you The Compass, that means you are The Keeper now. Only one individual in the entirety of existence is qualified as The Next Keeper of the Compass. When the time will come, choose him wisely."

Traveler: "It will be a him?"

Greg: "Not necessarily. It could be a she. It could be anyone. It could be a lizard-like creature with sixty eyes, for all I know"

Traveler: "So where is the compass now?"

Greg: "Right there in your hand."

Traveler: "No, I mean the original one. The one that is in 2011."

Greg: "This is the original one. You are holding it right now"

Traveler: "I don't think I follow"

Greg: "What you're asking is the history of this compass. You said I gave to you, correct?

Traveler: "Yes."

Greg: "When?"

Traveler: "Early eighties of the 21st century. You were 92 years old. You told me you are The 3rd Keeper of the Compass, which, I guess, makes me the 4th"

Greg: "And, hence, you want to know where and when I acquired it and those before me and where it is in the year 2011, seventy or so years before you took the compass."

Traveler: "That is precisely what I'm asking."

Greg: "Now I'm telling you that there is NO compass in 2011, save this one. Which makes it the original.

Traveler: "So, the compass hasn't been created in 2011 yet?"

Greg: "That is a plausible explanation. I will add that in your timeline, the compass was, indeed, created in 1987.

Traveler: "Wait a minute, timeline?

Greg: There is only ONE compass because there is only ONE moment, NOW. By taking possession of the compass you're not only traveling through time & space but through universes, as well.

Traveler: So, I am traveling across The Multiverse? I heard only theories about this.

Greg: "Not exactly. You are traveling across infinite parallel universes. A Reality Construct.

Traveler: What is the difference between The Multiverse and A Reality Construct?"

Greg: Think of The Multiverse as a huge bathtub. The bubbles are the universes. Some are larger than others and there are many. The water is the Dimensional Void. It exists and you can travel through it as well, but in order to do so, you'll have to be trained and experienced with The Compass. When a certain degree of mastery is attained, you'll be able to do this, if you so choose. Now, A Reality Construct is different. It is ONE universe divided into an infinite number of copies. Same size and volume. One single universe out of these copies is called Timeline. In your Home Timeline, certain events took place. In this one, they hadn't. You see? You met a different me.

February 3rd, 2011. Pardesia, Israel.

To be continued...

Edited by Eternal Unity
The Compass

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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