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Wierd experince on lsd and new insights

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Well i might me telling my story no one cares but i think this might give some new insights to effects of lsd.

Lsd effect on me it didnt create any major hallucinations for me cause the dosage was not quite right only mild halucition like deformation of obects in its edges.

The but the main effect was it cleared my delusion and god it made me realise that i had personality disorder.From start of my life i used to feel strange in society,not being able to understand people .It releaved that as it caused ego death and when no ego, personlatiy disorder cant be there.

It made me realise my mortal nature, yes imagine living for 19 yrs and not realising that you are mortal .

It helped me grow up ,throughout my 19yrs of existence i was like a child very emotional  and having true affection for material objects like new mouse,keyboard  or shoes etc .

It cleared my mind from the identity that i was rich,as my dad is kind of rich I always identified his richness with mine that has caused a lot of dysguntion in me right now if you are gonna have an identity in your mind how are you gonna use your mind to be better.

What you guys think about it.


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LSD is a teacher, but you have to be willing to listen.

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