
Insecurity About My Projections

3 posts in this topic

Hello! I would like to share some thoughts I had after watching the last episode (The Trap Of Projection)

I have problem relating to this paticular teachings- not because I don't think the mind works this way. Many people I share our knowledge and experiences with tell me about similar "jugding mechanism" they are dealing with. But I hardly ever can catch myself doing so. It's strange to me because I feellike I'm interested in people and in what they're saying, I want to know more about them. But in topics where they didn't share anything with me I don't "fill in the blanks" with my own assumptions. I feel like I'm a bit ignorant then, not interested enough to create whole picture of them in my mind. I usually don't even notice what people wear, hardly ever pay attention what they look like, I'm not discouraged if they're mean to me. I'm even drawn more to the people who I can evaluate as hostile towards me. I'm curious about their emotions and reasons to act this way. I'm curious about what they are like more than feeling that I'm their reason to act mean. The thing that bothers me is that many people demand me to be more judgemental, they want to know my opinions and my opinions are usually very bland. I sometimes even force myself to be more critical to find common topics with associates. I don't think I'm totally judgement-free and have a "good" perspective. Contrarily, I feel very insecure about it.

It would be very helpful to hear some thoughts on this topic.

Thank You)

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That on its own is a projection to. We project because we need it to navigate. Theres nothing wrong with it. 

Only lesson i would take from this is that you project your thouths on your enviorment.

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I'm no expert, but I think you not projecting is fine and by what I can tell you're going in the right direction by not projecting too much since my intuition has guided me that way. If you sometimes feel like it you could try to project on pretty much anything just to learn from you. You know project and see what that projection tells about you. This can be useful for finding beliefs to dissolve for me at least. Also I also found that I also project on some of my own thoughts, or something similiar at least. Maybe that's what you could look into as well. (Didnt watch whole vid yet this could have been mentioned.)

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