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Powerful questions to ask about your work process

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I recently started to work in a company, I wont disclose what I do because the job title attracts spam bots to forums, and this thread wouldn't be the first one to be locked and removed due to this problem. 

My work is highly independent, I get paid based on my results and get 0 commission for sitting on my ass so I have to work hard. But the potential payoff is good, I could earn 3-5 times more than the salary I had in my earlier workplace (That required college education). The work that gets me paid is also focused on 5-30 minutes long bursts so that short segment has to be perfected in order for me to get good at this job.

Anyone have powerful questions I could use before those segments, after them, before/after/during the day, during the week, during a month? Perhaps something that successful entrepreneurs use?

The company tells me to just wing it but... Well, "If I Am To Speak Ten Minutes, I Need a Week for Preparation" so Im a little skeptical about winging it when I want to be the most successful performer in the company.

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