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Something that comes close to my idea of god in futurama

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Of course, many will say god is undefinable etc and that is true. But to me this comes close, as much as a finite mind can understand god. So basically in the show there is this being called Yivo and he is a planet that has lived in loneliness for a long time, the show estimating it to be a trillion years, or as much as the known universe existed. In the episode the being finally comes in contact with another universe, after a rift is opened and the first thing it does is connect itself to every living being and give it unconditional love. The ones which are connected feel happy and relieved. Eventually they go on to live on the planet Yivo into a heaven like state in which they don't age and have infinite food, entertainment etc. Now this is not the important part. When Yivo is connected to different beings and speaks through them, that is exactly what i experienced with a friend when realizing everything is god. One being controlling(separated into through imagination) multiple millions trillions of beings. Of course the show does it in a physical way, the planet has tendryls and they connect to the beings.  They even make a church worshipping Yivo. This type of godly being is how i think god actually is and nonduality, god is everything, everywhere in multiple bodies universes etc, not the silly solipsim, some of us are doomed to think we are the only mind there is xD

Instead we are more like puppets or parts of the one mind that is..

Anyway if anyone is interested,

The episode is called The beast with a billion backs if anyone wants to watch it. :)

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