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LSD half tab trip report

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I took 50 micrograms of LSD, I did not have any visual hallucinations, however I did notice a change in my thought process.

I thought it would be similar to like a meditation retreat, but it was super different, I feel like I could make connections between a lot more concepts, and also I felt less identified with myself compared to normal, my thought process became really metaphorical and creative, but that resulted in a combination of half baked ideas, but also a few nuggets of useful stuff, it was also just an interesting perspective to think about my sober self in, to contrast it against.

I found that I couldn't really keep a hold of my thought process enough to fully talk through my ideas, or write them down, they would pop into my head and then leave before I could fully explore the ideas.

Lsd allowed me to see a lot more connections between everything, everything can be a metaphor for everything else, but it also makes it very difficult to communicate because you are less able to keep a hold of your ideas about things, I had an insight about regular life and admired our ability to keep a hold of an idea for so long, and it allowed us to build things as a result. I learned there is as much complexity as you can see in the moment, typically I don't spend much time considering the staggering complexity that occurs within every single process that occurs.

I don't think I had any significant spiritual breakthroughs, but certainly an interesting experience, which renewed my curiosity about existence.

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