
Pure Positive Motivation Vs Negative Motivation

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How do we create purely positive motivation towards something?

Motivation that comes from lack, need or something that is suddenly taken away from us doesn't seem to last long from my experience (and what I see in others) unless the experience of lack was so traumatic, yet even then its a struggle to do what I know you should be doing. I do it a little better than I did before because of the fear of experiencing something bad again but not as good as I would be doing it without the fear of failure and its consequences in the background. Motivation takes a high peak for me when I experience something negative but it is always accompanied by fear and stress, then it slows down when I reach some sort of comfort zone and the stressor is gone. 

I have read that to really accomplish something you cant fear the lack of it. How do you tackle this? For example if you are motivated to start a business in order to increase your income because you are struggling to pay your bills. How do you become conformable not being able to pay your bills so that you can start your business from a place of only positive motivation? I know you might say do something you love to do anyway which is positive motivation but what I'm saying is that the stress of not being able to pay your bills is still there and that is really what is getting in the way. Even if your finances are good, I think the fear of not having everything that you want is still a negative motivating force in whatever you do to increase your income. I'm not pointing to a specific scenario here, the same can be said for any other area in your life,  dieting for example, many people cant loose weight without gaining it back  because even though they are positively motivated to be healthy they also fear not having the perfect body for social reasons.

So my question is first what is your take on this? and second, how do we really become comfortable with lacking what we want or the fear of not having it in order to not be motivated because we DONT have it so we can only be motivated because we just want it.




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