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Just a random thought process

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You can think of the universe as a very vast space with objects in it, right? Then you would just be a tiny fragment of that whole space. But the truth is everything there is is always where you are and what you perceive at the moment. When you think about the universe as this giant space you just think about it in the moment and even if you go there you are still just in the moment but the moment looks different. Even if you would be in a spaceship up close to a black hole and could see these giant dimensions of space right in front of your eyes, you would think wow there actually exists so much space and so much more then me, but its still that moment you were in before just looking different and there is not "more space" it's just like these 3D paintings on a wall or on the ground that make it seem like there is a giant whole before you or something like that, it's just that the creator of the black hole or the whole universe is a much better artist, cause it's god and god can make nothing seem like infinity.

That's a thought process I just had while listening to the Interstellar soundtrack hahahaha, idk if this is just bullshit or true what I wrote above, but it just came into my mind and felt so true and 1 sec later it was already kinda unclear what I just thought, like a dream after you wake up, and I tried pinning down what I thought and wrote it down, specifically here because I think here are some people who might appreciate that.

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