Muhammad Jawad

M. Jawad's Existential Thoughts, Questions, Confusions

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In this journal, I will write down my existential thoughts, questions & confusions running around in my mind during my Spiritual Development (Actualization).

I will appreciate the contribution and help of others by correcting, answering, and clearing my conclusive thoughts, questions & confusion.


Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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In the following video, Osho says: "Even God can not make 2+2 = 5".


Now what I am thinking is that The One who can make 2+2=4 possible why he can not make 2+2=5 possible?

If HE can make 2+2=4 possible then he has the power to make 2+2=5 possible as well.

The way you know and think that 2+2=4.

God can modify the existence in a way that you will start to think that 2+2=5.

Maybe I am wrong and missing something. 

Would like to have some clarification on this.


Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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There was once a newborn lion whose mother died giving birth. A herd of sheep found this newborn lion and adopted him. As the lion grew, he believed in his heart that he was a sheep. He grazed like a sheep. He fled like a sheep. He even bleated like a sheep.

One day an old lion attacked the herd. When he saw the young lion fleeting with the sheep, he was puzzled. He caught the young lion, who immediately cowered and bleated. The young lion pleaded, “Please don't eat me! I'm just a little lamb!"

The old lion couldn't believe his eyes. He rebuked, "What’s the matter?! You are a lion!"

The young lion insisted, "No sir, I'm just a little sheep. Please spare me."

The old lion had an idea. He dragged the young lion to a nearby lake and held his head to the water.

“Bleat, bleat, bleat. Please let me go” wailed the young lion, eyes shut in fear. The old lion gave the young lion a powerful shake and commanded him to look at the water. As the young lion opened his eyes, he was astonished. His reflection was not a sheep’s, but that of a lion’s – exactly like one holding him.

The old lion continued, “Look at our reflection. They are the same. Now, stop bleating and roar!”

The young lion tried, but could only produce bleat-mingled roars. The older lion continued to exhort him, shaking the young lion each time. With each successive roar, young lion felt something change. His sheep persona faded and a dormant power awakened.

At last, the young lion let out a bellowing roar that echoed across the savanna. He had found his identity. He was no longer a fearful, helpless sheep, but a brave and strong lion.


The above Story is an incomplete story. Is there anyone who can complete it?

Here is some of the story I know after that:



After that awakening the Lion (who once a sheep in his understanding) says Now I know that I am not just a coward and week sheep, I am a Powerful, brave Lion, The King of Jungle. But I am sorry I can not leave my normal regular life and my family members (Sheeps). I would like to live with them but I will never forget that I am a Lion and I will live a Brave Life of a Lion. Other Lion Says Ok. Great. No Problem. Go Ahead. 

That recently awakened lion goes back to his herd of sheep and in his mind, he is really confident that now he doesn't have any kind of fear and he can live fully. He starts to live peacefully & happily but deeply in his subconscious mind, he is totally conditioned and trained as a sheep.

One day He was with his family (herd of sheep) and was eating grass happily and peacefully. Suddenly any other Lion appeared from the bushes and attacked that herd and the Lion who recently got awakening, in that situation, he forgot that he is a Lion and got panicked and start running with fear and he suffered a lot emotionally till the situation got normal and then he realized that Oh how and why I forgot that I am also a Lion.

Every time in normal time he thinks that now he is awakened and now there is nothing to fear and every time when his herd is under attack by a lion his conditioning wakes up and he behaves like a Sheep.



So That Lion is still suffering even after awakening because he has got the glimpse and knowledge that He is Lion but deeply he is not able to become a real Lion.

That Lion wants to come out of suffering and live an awakened life in all kinds of situations but He doesn't know how to reprogram his conditioning which he got in his whole life through his birth.

After awakening now He needs reconditioning and training so just not know that he is a lion instead he can become a lion and live a life of a lion not of a sheep.

Now that lion (sheep) is wandering around for help.

What do you think? How can he become a lion instead of just knowing that truth?


Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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Is there any way to look at reality as it is without any memory and knowledge? 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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Is there any way to reach the state of your own divinity where you can experience your divinity, infinity at once?


If I do not exist then who is thinking? If no one is thinking and thoughts are just getting born in consciousness and God is aware of those thoughts. Then why there are specific thoughts but not random. Who decides to think something specific? 


Are objects, thoughts, etc... are automatically and randomly getting born or coming out of God? Or God creating them consciously? Suppose if any specific thought gets born did god decided to create that specific thought or it just got came out automatically?  

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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At night while sleeping When we have a dream, everything in the dream is me because the dream is going on inside my mind/brain.

Did I create that dream? If Yes. How? Why? When? Why I don't have the memory of creating it?

If I didn't create it then who created it? How does all that work?

Is it possible to remain aware & conscious in all kinds of states of consciousness?

How and where I can learn all that?

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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According to ramana maharashi this body and world is creation of Subconscious mind.

What is the difference between concious and subconscious mind?

Who creates subconscious mind?

Who have uploaded the formula of creation of the world in subconcious mind?

What is the difference between mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, self,  consciousness etc..

What Is the difference between samadhi and deep sleep?

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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If it's me who is projecting this world then why can't I project it according to my desires?  

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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In the following video, Rupert Spira says: "Thought# 10 looks back and imagines that there is a chooser between each thought".


Wait a minute this is new for me.


Is thought alive? Can thought look around it? Can thought imagine things? Can thought think? Can thought asume something? If Yes, How a thought itself can do these things? 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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In the following video, Rupert Spira says: "From the point of view of Awareness, which is the only real point of view, there are infinite possibilities available at every moment so there is complete freedom".


Q: Does Awareness have Freewill? Is awareness bound to witness whatever is appearing? Can awareness make any changes in whatever awareness is aware of? Is that awareness/consciousness creating whatever is in its awareness? Or someone else?

Q: Does Screen have the power to change the channel just 1 click? 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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Who chooses our thoughts? 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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On 1/26/2021 at 2:10 PM, Muhammad Jawad said:

In the following video, Osho says: "Even God can not make 2+2 = 5".


Now what I am thinking is that The One who can make 2+2=4 possible why he can not make 2+2=5 possible?

If HE can make 2+2=4 possible then he has the power to make 2+2=5 possible as well.

The way you know and think that 2+2=4.

God can modify the existence in a way that you will start to think that 2+2=5.

Maybe I am wrong and missing something. 

Would like to have some clarification on this.


The above Question answered in a detailed explanation in the following link:


Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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