
5-meo and epilepsy?

2 posts in this topic

This may well be a question no one here can answer - I’ve searched the net looking for info but no luck:

I have occasional epilepsy and was wondering if anyone here knows if 5-Meo lowers the epilepsy fit threshold? I’ve heard that people have had seizures on very large doses of 5-Meo, but no info on regular breakthrough doses.


Would anyone have any experience with this? 

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I have also occasional epilepsy. And over the last three years I've done a few retreats with ~14 times Ayahuasca and 6 times 5-Meo (Bufo).
I noticed that after each retreat the frequency and scale became lower. Three years ago, every seizure felt like I ran a marathon. Now, after half a hour, I'm nearly as fit as if nothing happened.
And I asked my neurologist about this and he said that psychedelics can help with epilepsy.

But don't take my word for it. That's just what I've experienced and I could be wrong.

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