
Lack Focus And Building Up Walls !

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So I'm all new to this website and journey so any help would be great. 

So just to give you a insight of where this might have developed. I currently play a high level of sport and I'm at a stage in my life I really need to focus and concentrate. I've already signed for my club and there's pressure to perform but its not the pressure that really gets to me. Over the last few months I simply phyc myself out! I can't focus on the task ahead of me, I think I've failed before I've even started, my mind wonders throughout the match and I have developed so much self doubt i honestly think I've regressed in ability! It never use to be a problem and I could relax and I'd excite myself at the prospect of results! Where's it all gone wrong? 

I think a lot about what's going on in my life and I'm in my head a lot. But when I need to control it most I'm struggling. Any advice? 


Big thanks inadvance! 



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