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Day 128-26.04.2021

I‘m still in my detox. It feels quite well but I often have some urges to get back. I have a lot time to study right now. I’ve been able to learn for school and to read a book the whole evening. It feels relaxed. But I also had urges for porn and fapping. That was a great opportunity to try out the swish-technique from tony Robbins. It worked really well:Every time I have the urge to fap I get the image in mind of what I could accomplish through nofap. And then the urge stops or gets much much weaker and I have energy to continue doing what I wanted to do.

Now I want to plan for tomorrow (exercise about leisure from Digital Minimalism):

7am-get up

7am-7:40am do morning stuff like showering

7:40am meditation and breathing exercise

8:00am start school, work a 90min-15min rythm with a goal for each session

plan what to accomplish

12am eat lunch

1pm continue studying

(if time do sports)

1:30pm do a break

2pm-2:40pm summarise what you’ve learned

2:40pm drive to physiotherapist

3:50pm  do a walk and have free time 

5pm-7:00pm study (school or read books) ( break for dinner)

7pm-7:30pm mental training 

7:30pm-8:30pm free time (read a book, tidy up the room, play a board game and do stretching)

8:30pm-10pm write Journal and meditate

10pm go to bed



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Day 129-27.04.2021

Still in social media detox and nofap.

It’s awesome. There’s so much free time.  The next step is to use this time more efficient because I think I’m wasting a lot of time by doing things unfocused. So I want to compare my planned schedule with my done schedule and try to find learnings for planing and doing.

First I woke up at 7am and everything worked perfectly until 8am. Then the school started. I think I’m very inefficient at school because a lot of tasks take me so much longer than they should. At history everything worked well until I started to write an essay: then I got distracted a lot and it was stressful. I wasn’t finished as the chemistry conference started. The chemistry conference was a desaster because I haven’t done the homework and everything in the conference was about the homework. But the teacher didn’t realised that I haven’t done it. After that we had a German conference and I couldn’t really participate because I’m not really good at analysing poems. After the conference I finished history but I just couldn’t finish the German task. So I did school till 2:40pm (I think I did a 30min break at 1pm because I was exhausted). Then I went to my physiotherapist and went for a walk. It was perfect. Then I played a board game with my family and we had a dispute. That costed me energy from my study session so I was inefficient there too. I just learned a bit for chemistry and half finished the German task. And now I’m here writing.

My lessons from today:

I need rules for studying and school. The first rule is make a to do list of tasks you have to do. Then choose JUST ONE exercise and just focus on that. Don’t complain, don’t try to speed up, don’t choose other topics to read. If you get finished during the 90min choose ONE next task. Don’t complain and don’t switch subjects unless it’s a creative exercise and you have a block. The same  for conferences: there’s just this conference and nothing else. Treat it like a meditation focus on your breathing, let the thoughts be, think of the task and build up momentum. The same for the study session: choose a topic and a set amount of time and just focus on that and not on the distraction. 
That’s it at first. I’ll do it tomorrow like that and then I can collect new learnings.

See you tomorrow?


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Day 130-28.04.2021

Today it was a lot easier with school. I was for almost every subject focused and I had a lot more free time. I just failed at geographics. It’s the same principle: focus just on this task like in a meditation. Then I did a nice walk outside but after that I was really inefficient because I was a lot distracted.   So maybe at studying the same principle: focus on just one thing until it’s done, no distractions and no complaining. Also I had difficulties with dealing with the free time. I should structure that too. If I have free time I could play 1 round you gi oh then do mental training then excircises and if I want I can start focused studying then.

See you tomorrow?


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Day 131-29.04.2021

I’m still in the social media detox. It was really easy today. Maybe it’s because I had to watch a YouTube video because my teacher told us to do it. But it’s allowed. 
Today the school day was almost easy. I just failed to be concentrated towards the end so I needed quite long for the last assignment. Because it didn’t fit in my schedule I didn’t go for a walk today but it’s okay. Also I could have used my free time more efficiently (this is optional because there are just 5 things on my schedule). But how?

I think the first step is to just play yu gi oh and relax my muscles because they are a bit cramped by sitting. Then I need to do mental training and then I can practice vocabulary. And as always:

Don’t overthink at first. Just choose one thing and a set amount of time if needed and do just this task. No What’s App no complains because I am fault for the feelings I have about this situation. Treat it like a meditation. 
And if I have strong fap urges, think like this: I am fault because I fapped a lot. But wait that’s just a feeling in my body! I’m not that! Wow I can just feel and observe it. I don’t have to do anything. I can just watch this feeling and treat it like thoughts at meditation. Treat it like Leo told he treated the urge to eat unhealthy food in his video about addiction!

See you tomorrow?



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Day 133-01.05.2021

Yesterday I failed Nofap but I’m still noporn because of social media detox. It was very hard but it helped me to just observe my thoughts and feelings. I learned that it isn’t so easy as I thought it would be. Also I send two resumes for side jobs yesterday. Since I started the social media detox my work ethic started to come back. Today I studied a lot of maths and about good exercises for my back. I learned that I don’t really need free time without electronic distraction so I’m a bit of a workaholic right now. Lol. 

For tomorrow the same principle:

Choose one task (if needed for a set amount of time). Then there is just this task in reality. There are complains and distractions but they can be here but they can be while I’m focused on the task.

Some other principles:

It’s not really nice to plan with time. Better make a to do list to be more flexible.

See you tomorrow ?



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Still in detox. It wasn’t  hard to not to be on social media or porn. But I had A LOT suicidal thoughts today. I really felt emotional pain. It was really hard but I am at some low percent a Christian and the thought that I probably could go to hell because of suicide pulled me always towards distancing me from this thoughts. Also I don’t like the idea to give up because it’s getting hard and to bring this emotional pain to all the people I loved. After hours of strong depressing feelings I prayed to god for the first time since to years and after that I felt like I’m a super hero. Then I topped my record from 15 push ups and did for the first time since October 20 push ups. Why did I feel so bad?

It’s because my parents are pulling me into competitive mathematics (I like mathematics but I hate this competitive stuff) with high pressure so I’d spend my whole time after school doing these mathematics where I’m not even learning things. I would rather study with my own sources and not just to get high points. So I feared that they could make me wasting my school time and pressure me into becoming an engineer even if I don’t want that. But it’s just victim mentality (I’m feeling guilty by writing this because I suffered so much on this). 
First I need to improve my strategy. I can do that by starting walking in the park again. There I’ll get a free mind. Then I need to do the basics at first and not get caught up in distractions. 
See you tomorrow❤️❤️❤️❤️?


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Day 135-04.05.2021

Still in social media detox. Today I’m feeling A LOT better even if I was depressed at morning. So it’s an obstacle with maths but I think I can make it if I strategise my resources better. First I’ll need better sleep because I was really tired today. An important Ressource is Sport because it’s giving me momentum and energy. Apropos Momentum it will be important to build micro momentum throughout the day. These are the first resources coming into my mind.

My lower strategic intends are getting back into soccer, starting an own YouTube channel, getting better (needs to be more detailed) grades at school and getting a side job.

Today I first ran for 30min. That was a goal of me since February and it’s a big new record because my last record was by running seven minutes straight so yaaaaay?! Now can try to get faster and getting comfortable with running. 
Just awesome!!!!! 
I’m realising that I am really tired ?. So don’t fap before sleeping. I think that’s why I slept so good last week.

See you tomorrow?


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Day 136-05.05.2021

Still in. Today it was very easy to resist. Also I’m impressed of myself that I did school, studied for 3 hours maths and had enough energy to continue studying. The problem is that my actions aren’t really strategic. I think I have to spend more time on thinking in big picture and clearly put a barrier to deep work. Apropos Deep work, I’d like to take another mindset into my actions.

It’s about being slow to be fast. So do the things mindful. Make mini tasks of the big tasks and just do it slow, deliberate and mindful. Easier said chill in your head while working. 
Because I did my running record yesterday everything hurts  so I didn’t train today:(. Hopefully it’ll get tomorrow better but I can’t change it right now so don’t worry. 
Another interesting thing of today is that  I collected quotes for a vision board and it made rally fun :).

See you tomorrow???????????????????????????????????

Peace ❤️❤️❤️❤️??????????❤️?????????????❤️????????❤️???????❤️

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Day 137 06.05.2021

Still in social media detox and studying?. Today I ran for 10min again but my leg hurted. Also I implemented the new principle. I was a lot more efficient but I procrastinated a lot too. I think I’ll need a solution against procrastination. Maybe I could try the Sedona method or brainstorm for beliefs. First I’ll try out the Sedona method tomorrow. Then I can try to research other mindsets about procrastination. 
Tomorrow is school again so I’m a bit excited because there will be social interaction again. But why be feared if there’s a way to have good interactions and if I can’t change the situation I shouldn’t be feared of it because I’ll just hurt myself. So take it easy. 
See you tomorrow ??????????????????


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Day 138-07.05.2021

Still in social media detox. Today we had school again and I realised that I’m an incel because I’m lacking social skills. Here I want to define incel so we speak about the same thing. In my context an incel is a person that is completely ignored by women (especially the hot ones). Also he lacks social skills so he can’t do a conversation and he doesn’t know what to talk with people about. Then he gets into a victim’s mindset and gets often depressed. (I don’t engage in incel’s communities but I bring incels statements because I find them funny (and it’s also funny because I’m speaking of incels as them even I’m an incel right now)?). 
There are people that changed so I can change too. I first need time to study about the problem and try to understand it :)

Tomorrow I could start after finishing school. 

See you tomorrow ?????????????????????❤️?


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Day 139-08.05.2021

I’m still in social media detox. 
Today was a day full of procrastination because I didn’t want to do maths. But I bought the book mastery and started to read it. It’s awesome :). After reading I wrote out my favourite ideaI want to implement:

1. Watching the environment. Try to observate as much about the Social Dynamics of your environment. 
Then I wrote out the things I could master because I‘m interested in:

1. Science and mathematics 

2. Soccer

3. YouTube (Gaming Content or other entertainment)

Tomorrow I want to take time to just write for 2 hours. Then I want to study for school (1-2hours). After that I can read books and reflect on them. 
See you tomorrow ??


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Day 140-09.05.2021

Half of Social Media detox is done (15 days, 5times my last record). 
Today was half difficult and half cool. After breakfast I drove with my mother and my brother into the woods (with bike) and then we just played there.

After lunch I was lazy and didn’t want to stick to my plan so I started working on my values because I realised that I‘m getting lazy again. So here’s my first draft: (without hierarchy, every value is equal right now):

  • learning
  • strategy
  • balance
  • creativity
  • health
  • passion
  • progress
  • Expression
  • authenticity
  • fun/happiness

Now follows a fädefinition of these values:


Learn about the world its people and its dynamics. Also acquire knowledge that helps you to make strategic and social progress. Learn for understanding and application.


Have a strategic intend to work towards. Learn about the obstacles and problems on the way towards the intend. Spend a lot time on building resources and invent a plan that allows to make flexible changes. Execute these plans.


Have a balance between creating/training and consuming. Balance between work and play, between serious and fun. Get time off for your mind to recover. 


Create new things and use your imagination to solve problems. Take time for this process.


I‘m doing Sport and have healthy nutrition. Also I have a good sleep and try to maintain a good mental health with mindfulness.


Do and train things you love ore are interested in.


Don‘t stay for too much time on the same level. Always improve something in your live.


Express your thoughts and feelings in projects. Say what you‘re thinking and feeling in conversations while keeping to be a good listener.


Don‘t try to impress people. Just be and find who you are. Be almost every time honest and don’t lie because you don’t like what People could think of you.


Find time to do things you like. Don‘t take yourself too serious and try to make fun with people. Also be thankful and mindful. Make honest compliments to people to make them feel better. Also play games while you’re alone. 
See you tomorrow ?


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Day 141-10.05.2021

Still in social media detox. Today I did my running training for the first time since my injury outside. It was really hard because I ran to fast.

After school I spent much time working on values and vision. But I don’t know exactly to what to look for in a vision so I want to do exercises here:

What would be possible in my life if I could never fail?

•I could get trainer of Germany‘s national team 

•I could get an entertainment and personal development YouTuber

•I could open an own school

•I could have several homes in several countries 

•I could have a girlfriend 

•I could get a scientist 

•I could help the world to stop eating animals

•I could get a politician to help the world to get more peaceful 

What I‘ve seen in visualisation:

•I‘ll have a girlfriend 

•I‘ll make the world somehow to a better place

•I‘ll have several deep friendships 

•I‘ll master sports, something of entertainment and something of science

•I‘ll learn a lot

•I‘ll put several areas together to a bigger picture and get a meta source

•I‘ll see the world

See you tomorrow?


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Still in social media detox and contemplating my vision. It makes really fun. In 2 weeks the social media detox will be over. So I’ll read Digital Minimalism again. Tomorrow I want to continue with contemplating my vision and to start reading mastery again but this time taking notes. That are the two things I’m focusing on right now. 
See you tomorrow?


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Day 146-15.05.2021

Still in social media detox but failed noporn. I thought it would be great to watch again but didn’t fulfil me really. Noporn is easy again. 
I failed writing an entry because I‘ve procrastinated so long until I was too tired to write. 
In the last days I‘ve read Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris again because it has so many great ideas. Some of them I would like to implement again because they are so awesome. 
Tomorrow I‘ll have 3 weeks of social media done. Then I‘ll start studying digital minimalism again. 

See you tomorrow ?


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Day 147-16.05.2021

3 weeks of social media detox completed. Now just 9 days left. But feel strong urge to watch porn again. I will resist at least until tomorrow. Then I will fap but without porn. 
Today I got up at 9pm. I‘m waking up at 6 or 7pm but I can’t leave the bed and sleep for short time in :(. It’s feeling so good to just lay in the bed under the warm and soft blanket :). But afterwards I‘m always regretting it because the weekend feels so short because of that. I think I‘m a bit afraid of the pain of leaving the comfortable bed and getting up into the cold room. That’s a point I could improve because it can fix my sleep schedule. 
See you tomorrow?


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Day 148-17.05.2021

Still in social media detox. There‘s just one week left. I think I make a Monk‘s week out of it. It‘s a concept from the book ,,Mindful Self-Discipline“. It‘s the best book on procrastination and discipline and these stuff from my view because it combines discipline with purpose and awareness. The Monks Week is like a Dopamine Detox where I live without the dopamine things like social media, junk food and porn.

So things I‘ll quit:

Social Media

E-Mail checking (exception:when my mother tells me)

porn and masturbation

unhealthy food

video games 


random browsing

Also I had a nice idea today:

At the end of this school year I‘ll graduate from the 9th class into the 10th class so I‘ll get into a new class after 3 years. In Germany we call this new phase ,,Oberstufe‘‘. It means the highest stage of school because in 3 years I‘ll end school. Because the time from 7. to 9. class was the worst time in my life I thought about to cut line at the limbo Phase there because I found things I want to pursue in the next time. 
And in the summer vacation I‘ll drive with my friends for a cool trip (if corona doesn’t kill this plan). That could be a ritual to transcend this phase. 
That‘s an idea I want first to think of because it‘s really interesting. So I‘d like to try the things out I want to focus on in this life chapter. The main focus of this chapter will be: entertainment (through YouTube or Twitch or other medias) and health. This is important to me. But I‘ll also do school and engage with friends. But learning this will be less prioritised (exception:studying). 
See you tomorrow?


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Day 150-19.05.2021

Still technical decluttering but failed monk’s week. Today I had soccer training for the first time since seven months. Everything hurts now but it was awesome???. Also I had school again and school is since corona fulfilling too. 
See you tomorrow ?


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Day 0-05.09.2021

Would like to start again. 
Tomorrow I’ll write some longer but today a little plan for tomorrow:

In the morning: 

do short meditation or yoga 

do visualisation

read goals

In the afternoon:

Do sport

do a ying activity (sth like doing nothing or relaxing)

do homework


Watch actualized Video on humor

In the evening:

at 8pm write in journals

at 9pm read a book 

at 9:30 pm do a meditation

Then do affirmation,read goals and go sleeping




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