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Triggering Relationship with Coworker/Manager?

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Hi everyone :) I have been having troubles in my relationship with my assistant manager Misha at work. We work together in a juice bar along with two other managers and one other employee. I get along pretty well with my two male managers, but with Misha, the assistant manager, I have a rocky relationship. It is like love-hate to a degree. The female coworker who has the same title as me, we get along decently well. But with Misha I get very stiff and nervous. She is beautiful and attractive and all that but I don't necessarily want her. I think these feelings come from something else.

My motivation for healing the things she triggers in me is that I know I will have to heal them eventually, and I don't want to have these same things popping up in my future romantic relationships. I think Misha reminds me of my mother in certain ways such as always talking about drama, staying on her phone, emotionally controlled lifestyle, etc. I have even talked about this with my therapist and she is almost exactly like my mom.

This is a good opportunity for me to heal some things and not carry them forward. I spend at least 12 hours per week with Misha, so I can count on being triggered that much.


I guess my question isn't really a question, I just need some empathy and validation. Have any of us been through something similar to this before? What was your experience? Thanks!

"Yes is the answer... And you know that! Fasho!

Yes is surrender! You gotta let it... you gotta let it GO!" - John Lennon, Mind Games

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