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A filthy academic mathematician's journal

23 posts in this topic

Productivity entry 14

1. Morning routine


2. 3 hours of math

done. I don't want to learn anything new today. Just focus on what I already have. So when I come back, I want to just go back to everything I've done and polish it - so written up. As if you need to communicate your findings. Write up the two derivations of the Prandtl equations. Then somehow break it up into little bitesize pieces that you test yourself on. And just spend 2 hours or so doing this. You have a limiting belief somewhere in this region of experience, I can't quite pin down what it is. 


Ok, we had errands to do today, so the 3 hours of work is acceptable. But also, Tomorow I'm solely dedicating the first half of the day to just meditation and emails - I can't let this demon grow inside me again.

Edited by Christdas

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productivity entry 15

1. take a walk with friend. done.

2. meditate + take notes on David r Hawkins. done

3. visualize stuff for like an hour. done

eat + tea.

4. do recreational math ( problem solving) for like an hour. done.

walk + meditate on emotional labor done

5. solve the geometry problems for like an hour. done

6. take like a 45 min break then come back. continue solving the geometry problem. done. 3 hr break

7. completed the problem. took notes on hyperbolic triangles

Edited by Christdas

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productivity entry 16

1. morning routine done

2. work for an hour and a half done

3. tea + 20 min break + meditate for 30 min, then back to work.

Edited by Christdas

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