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Recommended online therapy?

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Hey guys!


Anyone on here has a good experience with a psychologist online that can refer me to? or any recommended ways to do therapy online?

I been into self-help and psychology for about 8 years now and I noticed with time,  you become really good at identifying other people's behaviors, patterns of thinking, and personal problems but realized it takes you ages to see your own blind spots and bullshit because you're stuck in your own paradigm most of the time. I was thinking of doing therapy as a way for growth and heal myself. I'm in an awesome place currently ( I wasn't before) but I did some serious work to get to this stage. I have an interesting background where I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. Traveled and lives all across the world in different continents so my brain is used to get shocked by how reality is not what I think it is.


I was hoping to work with Leo because he had such a significant impact on me personally but he doesn't do personal coaching anymore, unfortunately.


I researched online but didn't find anything appealing to me yet

open to suggestions



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Do shadow work for paradigm shifts. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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