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WHY Creation? Well, WHY NOT!?

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WHY all this?

why creation?

why this dream?

why o why?

it is all unified. whole. it is one and only. it is oh so lonely. it is awfully quite. still.

like the sleep at night, two cannot be, two cannot come, only one, only union can pass thru, only union IS IT. only wholeness is it.


God is one. being one and only, and everything/all-things. it is complete and whole. so full of joy and bliss. so total beyond the concept of lack, so overflowing with abundance and glowing with love. it breaks out of that unknown union of the deep-sleep and into this creation of duality. but duality leads to a dance. a dance with itself. a step to the right must be mirrored with a step to the left. a step up leads to a step down. 

the key to this dance is to dance on and on. into more and more elegant patterns and creations. there are steps which circle and steps that spirals. circles are created and repeated. they rise and fall. swing forward and back. but spirals flow. they simply just go and go. spirals flow because they are balanced. all creation in opposite and harmony, all balanced. eternally dancing and creating it goes on. with the dance of duality reaching towards the one. 

in creation then, two can share and enjoy which the one alone could not say neither hello or bye. 

the lover and the loved, united as one, making a little one and this goes on and on


why creation?

because love

as below, so above


Love Is The Answer

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