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Guest SirVladimir

Ayahuasca + Shamanic Breathwork Report

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On September 12th, a journey arose from the depths of my soul. Once again I ventured to the heart of the forest to undertake a 10-hour sit by the brew. 100g of caapi, 50g of chaliponga, and 10g of chacruna contributed to the final drink. There were two of us. At quarter past nine, we dared to swallow the most horrendous, bizzare, earthly, muddy, disgusting taste. Soon, the tiny forest valley would dwell in darkness but our presence linger in light.

As we were settling by the campfire with stars above our heads, we closed our eyes. We awaited for an entire hour for the trip to come. It would arrive. But not before we purged like fire. I must have thrown up five times. There wasn't a tree in the vicinity that wouldn't get blessed by the innermost fabrications of my stomach. I squirmed like a worm; the devil was leaving my body. 

Finally, I wrapped up by the campfire. This time I remained still. I put my eyes to rest. I set a soundtrack mix:

The Earth trembled, as I began piercing through the stratosphere. I set my intention to discovering the beauty of the cosmos. I was leaving home behind. Before me stood the Universe; and among stars awaited Godhood. Insights started pouring in, but I couldn't find a pen to capture them. I realized no matter how far I would venture, I could always call out to the Earth. This tiny, faded, brilliant seed planted amid the solar system would always bring me home. The planet's name was a linguistic atom helping me reference the whole Beauty: Home was here, anchored in the ever-present moment.

Suddenly, I began doing shamanic breathing for no reason. The body was aching to go further beyond itself. And so I did. The mind-created boundaries dissolved, and the breathing became so intense. 

Universe, you brilliant, beloved Thing! Everything was Love, unfolding now. For eternity. For fucking eternity! Reality is your playground! And it's love! We have already made it to heaven. On the bench over the cozy campfire, I overheard my friend break into tears, "Everything is now. It's all happening here and now! Nothing else exists!"

And we both cried and trailed mad laughters, one begetting tears in the other. Telepathy was so blatantly obvious: There was never anything else to communicate but pure Love! Anything less you are looking to convey through the expression of 'telepathy' is an ego!

It went on for 2 hours. I never had, what we standardly name, a visual hallucination. Wasn't looking for them. 

Somewhere among the insights overflew my life purpose, to bring people to authenticity and love by overwhelming them with beauty, and with the help of Ayahuasca I once again realized its pure value and authenticity and was able to define it further as seeing others cry in enlightenment and love.

Cheers, thanks you, and enjoy, you bastards! We are One! 


Edited by SirVladimir

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2 hours ago, ajasatya said:

Nice one :D

:x The flashbacks continued in today's dreams. I adore it gives you no withdrawal the next morning. 

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