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The Beginning of My Personal Development Journey

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Hi Leo!

I am writing this so that you know the impact you've had on my life. 

Years ago (2014-2015) I discovered your YouTube channel.  Prior to that moment, the world of personal development was completely unknown to me.  At that time, I was in a very dark place, struggling with internal demons that had crushed me under-heal.  I was desperate for a way out, for some glimmer of hope.  You gave it to me.  In your videos I saw a chance at escape.  Perhaps there was a way out of the mile-deep rut I had dug myself into.  Perhaps there was a way over the mountain of internal obstacles that I faced.  That mountain felt so high I couldn't even glimpse the summit.  It seemed like an impossible task to scale it, weak as I was, but I endeavored to try.  Others had followed this path, overcome great trials, and achieved greatness.  Why couldn't I?  So I pushed onward.  Crawling and scratching my way through the darkness towards the light you had shown me.  Eventually, I learned to walk, and, finally, to run towards that light.  After years of struggle, pain, fear, sorrow, deep despair, I reached the end of the tunnel.  I saw freedom before me, freedom from the darkness that had enshrouded my life for so long, but something held me back.  For a time, there were still chains that bound me within the tunnel.  I knew I was a single step from freedom, but I couldn't take it.  There, others came to my rescue.  Other mentors I found on my path gave me the wisdom to see the chains for what they were and to sever them, once and for all.  I can say now, long years after starting on the path you revealed to me, that I have stepped from the darkness into the light!  I am free!!!  The cage and chains of fear and neurosis that once held me are gone!!!  I am rapidly rocketing towards my purpose, and I have you to thank for enabling my great future!

My name is Blake Aaron Langefels and you have my eternal gratitude.

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