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Schizoids have tremendous potential in self actualization

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Having a Schizoid personality certainly has its drawbacks, but I believe this personality is just ripe for self inquiry and spirituality. Non-schizoids easily fall into finding their happiness within relationships and getting involved in worldly desires. The solidarity nature of Schizoid forces him or herself to find happiness within themselves, which is a difficult task most people ignore. The monastic life perfectly mirrors the preferred life of a Schizoid, where silence, no relationships, and time alone is crucial to furthering spiritual progress.

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Schizoids are also unaware of his feelings, emotions and body, which will be a bottle-neck to his self-development. They lack root, ground, how do you want to reach the sky without a proper foundation? 

Their path is not the path of the mind, but the path of the body, because that's where their biggest weakness lies.

Without a solid ground, trying to go too high can be dangerous, one step away from schizophrenia.

As a schizoid myself, I noticed that most of my "natural tendencies" are, in fact, an escape. As we run to our heads to escape our bodies, we run from people and the world.

Yes, we have this contemplation skill developed through a lifetime of being in our heads but we also can have massive blind-spots due to lack of connection with the body, which can be disastrous, in my experience.

Don't ever underestimate the wisdom of the body and feelings. That's how our higher-self communicate, not through our logical mind, where any intuitive thought would be drowned out among a continuous stream of random and useless thoughts. 

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