Into The Void


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@seeking_brilliance  As a dear friend of mine put it: "Witness who you are not; who you truly are cannot be perceived." I cannot know who I am although looking at some of my contributions to this forum: I see that ego of mine rearing it's ugly head. Ugh! My ego wants me to believe in the story that I know everything. "Witness who you are not" has become my mantra. My dear friend gave me a new perception this weekend. She said your ego is both the thief and the policeman. For example: The thief says to me " why are you wasting time trying to find out who you are? Your true nature cannot be known so why bother?" Then the policeman steps in: "Don't listen to your ego. You are on the path to awakening. Just shut out that yap-yap trap in your head and meditate more! You are going to be enlightened sooner than you think! Both "voices" are the ego. The ego wants you to stop what you are doing regarding spiritual advancement" (it threatens the ego/mind). The ego failed so it changes masks and comes at you again as the policeman. The policeman pretends to be your friend and win you over. Beware of mind traps. The mind has many masks.

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Indeed she is. Most importantly, she has the patience to continually pound into my head what I am not. 

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