Vincent S

Today's Insight

4 posts in this topic

This morning when I woke up. Just before breakfest. I had a very beautiful insight.
It gave me so much love and clarity, I wanted to share it with the rest of myself (you)

(Also feel free to use this topic, to share anything. If you want)

The voice in your head, meaning the (voice) you think you hear, or the process of you thinking, are actually all ego. Even when you think of something "good".

And when God is speaking to you/through you, it's not through the mind, as in: not trough words.
God softly gives his love trough the veil between nothingness and the material Universe, and you receive it as a feeling or an emotion.
And your mind processes this as a "thought".
If you are deeply interconnected with your emotions and feelings, you can through that process, deeply communicate with God (yourself).
And the ego can never interfere that conversation.

Trust your feelings, trust your emotions. If you you feel bad about something, that's the ego's work. 
If you feel guilt, shame, hatred, sadness, despair, frustration, pride, fear, etc. That is the ego doing its business. 
But this is so contradicting. Simply for the fact that the ego was and is only there for you to understand this, for you to reach this point and for you to see God's ultimate beauty.
You are all of it, and there is nothing to be worried about. Because its You. It has always been YOU. 

A few qoutes (dont know from whom, found these on yogi tea-bags.) but fitting for the subject)

"In the beginning is You
in the middle is You
and in the end, is YOU"

"It is not talking of love
but living in love
that is everything"

"Life is a gift.
Experience is 
the beauty"


Have a beautiful weekend.

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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51 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

Simply for the fact that the ego was and is only there for you to understand this, for you to reach this point and for you to see God's ultimate beauty.

THIS! The thoughts and words that the ego loves to wallow in so much are also an expression of divine Love (aka "the voice of God", if you will) and can potentially even be used as a tool for growth; it's just that they don't really tell the whole story and might severely hold you back if you limit yourself to only listening to them while blocking out all of the other myriad of Love songs out there... it's kind of like listening to one and the same radio station 24/7 that keeps on playing the same old three or four songs over and over and over and over and over again. Booooooring! Why don't you get off your ass, get hold of that knob and switch channels from time to time - you'll be AMAZED at what's in store for you! B|

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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38 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

you'll be AMAZED at what's in store for you!

The crumbs of self love God has layed perfectly for itself-herself-himself. <3

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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27 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

The crumbs of self love God has layed perfectly for itself-herself-himself. <3

Hehehe, very true. It is kind of amazing to realize the thousands of little hints that you have given yourself ever since the moment of birth in order to trigger your own awakening once you have taken the first step out of the Matrix. :x

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