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A new Stage of Enlightenment appeared for me

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I was laying on the grass with my girl and suddenly it hit me

For males (cant speak for women), life is sacrifice. 
Work / Suffering / Sacrifice is the juice of life we are after. Let me explain.

Prerequisite for this Insight:
You first have to understand that there is nothing to sacrifice, in the ultimate way. And that the world is exactly perfect in its ways.
Have you gotten it ? 

Why is the world perfect? The world is an educating simulation to ultimate love for being.
AND EVEN IF EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, so devilish acts are wiped out, there still will be sacrifice required, let´s say as the "Currency of love". The Labor is still required, but its exactly this labor which is so precious! 

"The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed."

Ok and when you understand this, then also understand;

Your love can only be un-selfish when you sacrifice to an extent for it.
Of course you can also receive love and this can be without any sacrifice in the moment, but not for ever.
Because you would in turn sacrifice in thankfulness for the received love. 

Do you get this?

And the ultimate beauty is that you cant look behind the curtain (maybe drug induced for a little while or conceptually)
but you cant really! Thus the sacrifice element cant be circumvented! But this is the gift my friends. 
Thats the twisted gift, because only through sacrifice you can experience higher love. 

The only UNNESSECARY Sacrifice has to be done when a selfish, a ego, a devilish person, an arrogant (from latin not knowing) person does his sins. 
Of course there is no black and white, no angle and devil, there are also people on the spectrum in between and noone is perfect but thats also not the goal. An angel is striving for it as best as he can with all his might, thats all which is required and possible.

Angel and devil are no mythological things, it refers to stages of consciousness. 

This is Jesus teaching. You have to understand that he would not have died otherwise.
For him to die means he was convinced that him being him, him sacrificing unselfishly, is the truth. Maybe he thought someone is gonna safe him at last or the tables will turn last minute, could be. 
But the fact that he went that way and didn't scoop out, ran away, means he understood something.

What is the difference between an enlightened Yogi who meditates in a cave and Jesus? 
Well to me Jesus did the greater sacrifice because he could also have said fuck this underdeveloped shit, Im the hell out of here. 
And tbh I understand everyone who says fuck It im out, let them be devils, let me make a small circle or live on a boat fishing. Because this is the more peaceful way. Even though fully enlightened you will love everyone, you will even more be hurt by their egotism! 

We just dont get it, or worse, society conditions you to be a scared slouchy mouchy consumer.

The only antidote to live is fear.

Fear will make you twisted, and no one can help you but you. 

Live fearlessly and sacrifice for the most meaningful things for you, and you are closer to god than you realize. 


Thats it!

Peace Brothers and Sisters, wish you all the best.


<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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