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Negative thoughts are here to wake you up

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I had an realization last night when i was trying to get some sleep. My mind was feeding me constant stream of negative thoughts and then i just wondered how ridiculous they are and what's the point of them. Then it hit me. They are here to remind me of my true nature. They force me to stay aware, because getting lost in them is so painful. If my mind would only give me positive thoughts there would be no reason to awaken. It's not like this is something i didn't know before but now it just felt like it was deeper understanding beyond my rational thinking. I don't even know why i'm posting this here, i just felt like doing it. Being aware of your thoughts is a blissfull state.

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What you resist persists...❤

allow them to be whatever they are, even if they're painful. 

no need to judge them... rather become aware of their unreality.

Entertaining these thoughts ideas and beliefs keeps them alive... just simply ignore them and they will deflate under their own illusory weight. ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Being present = no thoughts and no pain

Thinking of the past = regret, sadness, anger

Thinking of the future = anxiety

Thoughts = the sounds of birds chirping

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