
My Road To Become A Champion In Life

25 posts in this topic

On 25.6.2016 at 3:21 AM, CalamityJane said:

WingT,  Learning DOES happen through fear. Well, maybe not "learning" but Growth happens that way for sure and through pain, definitely. I'm in a spot right now where I am terrified on a daily basis - and oddly I feel more alive than I ever have and I.... I kinda like it!  It's not anxiety because it's too 'in the moment' it is raw fear. I wouldn't change where I am for the world!

I am glad to see that you think this way about fear.i Use fear more as a guide than Stimulation. 

I know how powerfull a kick in the ass from fear can be, it striked me when i had to move out and had a deadline, i would Land on the street if fear was not there. 

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Guard Down.. 

4 day's!, the F#ck!? I did nothing to get closer to my goal. I could kick my big ass ego to the moon right now.. But i know that is what "it" wants.  

Damn! I don't want to Sound like a Victim..wait the hell am i doing?  I am trying to create excuses.What i should do is to find a way to not get distracted all the time from My goal.

Well i could cut everything else and Focus only on my Drivers License, but then i create a should statement, aaand that bring me to where i am now again.. Hm i think that on 03:28 night is not a good time to break Walls.. Bullshit! Ok for today i learned 40 minutes, i did my meditation, my visualization and affirmation plus i had leg Day and i did not skip it!  

Maybe i don't need to fix everything in one Day, and maybe i can't. I remembered something that i learned not so long and that is, to not get traped in your mind,  let yourself be pulled into the right direction, because if i am interested in Martial Arts i should not make a should statement that i have to do this everyday and Become a Master as fast as i can, the better way is to do it because i like it, and not set a big must in my way, this will open a lot of doors quick, because i don't concentrate on the result but on the journey. 

Task for today :40 minutes Learning (completee) 


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6 Months!..

Another month passed quick as usual, i realy can't believe it myself. Hmm i could rewand myself, but what?  I know, i do more meditation!  Calm down "me" i was just joking...for now. 

I will think of a rewand in this weeks, maybe some sushi or idk a little Trip in Nature, yeah it would be fun!

So for today i did my Learning and my other stuff, i learned more about myself, what are my triggers that send me into the lower self and a little Bit more about why i feeld in certain ways when i was a child(Personal growth is hapening here:D) 

Task for today :40 minutes Learning for Drivers License (Complete)  [16/20]


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Edited by WingT

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To much, to fast.. 

My last day's where chalanging since my procrastination interfered and i did not record anythink . I understand now that the should statement that i made to write everyday in this Journal was Holding me in my distractions, like YouTube and such. 

Cool, It's ok.. I have made my "leash"  a little loose since resisitence showed up, that means that i write when i feel like it and when i have something to write. 

The goal that i set for myself this year is still in Progress,  i skiped only last weekend.

I notice that i was moving at a high pace.. Maybe i lost patience. Doesn't realy mater now. 

Task for today :40 minutes Learning for Drivers License (Complete)  19/20


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Back from the "dead".. 

... This is exactly how i feel after i watched Leo's video.

I was Bathing in the Illusion of Society, that you have to get this to be happy. I try now to find the next step in my life after i finish with my Drivers License, i know that i said that i change Jobs after that, and the question is what the hell should i Choose. 

Ok man ok.. Let's See what Kind of job would support me enough financialy and with little or no triggers that send me into my lower self ? Hmm maybe a Driver, a truck?..fuck no i would not be able to work on my business because it demands a lot of time driving. 

Some people at work said that i should make an Ausbildung because i am still young , that would take 2-3,5 years of school depending on what i Choose. I was curios at first what is out there for me, that is what i did in the last two day's..seriously i DIDN'T find anythink that i would like to do.. Yeah i just realised that this would get me in the wrong direction... I want to become financial independent and not work for anybody that is my target, to make enough money to pay rent and to Travel to diferent country every couple of months.. 

So i was looking in the wrong direction?.. I need to rebuild my Strategie.. I waste time that i don't have. 

What if i change to a job that pay's me enough to pay rent and Necesities and don't need no constant interaction with work collegs to do my job, maybe at a call Center or on a fork-lift truck, this way i don't have to be all the time fake at work. this way i could save more Energie that i can use in productive ways for me .. Like to Get The Fuck Out Of The Rat Race! 

Task for today :40 minutes Learning (Complete) 20/20 p.s. I think that i will scale up the Learning time only to 60 minutes /reason -I don't have that much Learn Material to digest, and it is still Damn chalanging to motivate myself to start Learning.  

I have 1 month left until the exam..ok,cool i got a Deadline xD i forgot about it.. 


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