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Enlightenment career coordination

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I am wondering whether it may be a good plan to come up with more resources on what you can do as a career when you are getting enlightened and/or are in stage turquoise of spiral dynamics. It seems like many turquoise people become a teacher or public speaker, but I get the impression that there is now plenty of information available on the internet on how to develop yourself and get enlightened, and it is more effective to move people to other careers. Some people may for example become a scientist and research which methods for enlightenment are most effective in different situations. Some people may develop high school curricula to spread information about enlightenment. Some people may work on energy healing and making that more mainstream in healthcare. Some people may work on psychedelics research and policy reform. Some people may want to use their insight to reform government. 

A good model may be 80k hours:  It is a non-profit and provides plenty of advice on which career you can choose best if you want to be maximally altruistic (according some kind of utilitarian standard). What do you think about starting such a non-profit with career advice for (aspiring) turquoise and enlightened people? Do you think that more coordination is necessary in this domain? 

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