
Your Favorite Meditation Technique

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 What is your favorite meditation technique and why? What experiences did you have in your best sessions with it?


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3 hours ago, SaynotoKlaus said:

 What is your favorite meditation technique and why? What experiences did you have in your best sessions with it?


Developing samathi by focusing on the incoming and outgoing breath as it gently touches the small area below the nostrils... during many hour-long sits. As simple as that.

I think it is better not to talk about the experiences though, because people tend to compare, conceptualise, imagine, expect... All I can say is that at some point there was a very intense, ground-shaking experience.

Read it all, tried it all, can't remember any of it.

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Self Inquiry because it has gotten me some enlightenment experiences. But I really like Shikantaza/do nothing because it's so effortless and yet so effective. Reccently I have began doing walking meditation and I really fucking like it aswell. When I walk time my right steps with my breath and I also count my out breath from 1-10. I don't know if anyone is using this technique or if I just invented one because in Zen they use a technique called Kinhin which is a little different. Walking meditation in nature is a completly different thing from walking around mindlessly. Walking slowly helps...


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