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What happened to me on LSD?

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A while ago me and 3 other very open minded friends of mine all did 200ug of acid (not that the dosage really matters).

The setting was the four of us sitting in a circle by golf course lake, the idea was a picnic sort of vibe. And my set (mindset) was one of “ive got nothing to lose and I’m just gonna let go and let the flow take me”.

During the come up it felt as though my emotions were completely based on the position and body language of my friends.

At one point I was feeling bliss, and then, I looked to one of them and he was looking very worried and sad. And somehow it felt as if that emotion was suddenly “transfered” to me and our emotions swapped. I was now sad and he was full of smiles.

As the trip become more intense, there came a point at which it seemed as though.... my own feelings (and the visuals that correlated in my head) were being expressed through my friends mouths as words. 

I would feel it...and they would describe it in words, but they seemed to be in trance. 

An example of this phenomenon was: I began to think of some bad/dark thoughts, which was coupled with a feeling of inner heat.   There is no way my friends could have had access to these thoughts, however the very next thing that they all verbalised was the fact the they were feeling a sudden sense of heat. “I feel really hot all of a sudden”.

To summarise... I was feeling...and they were describing with their words my “own” emotions( they’re in what seemed like a trance state).

after this had stopped, it felt as if I was God, and anyone that tried to talk to me was doing so in an attempt to lead me to my death. Any suggestion they made of what to do next, felt like they were trying to deceive me, like I was being set up. 

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