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Anyone tried/heard of Sahaja Yoga?

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 I've been practicing for about 3 weeks now and the results are incredible. Even tough there's a lot of idolatrization in it , the techniques are fairily simple and work instantly(sahaja means spontanious) I'm curios if anyone here had experimented or tried it

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Hello there, don't know how Sahaja Yoga is in other countries, but I'll talk about my short experience in Romania.

I tried it in Cluj-Napoca and it was pretty awkward: the meditation moment was very short- max. 10 min- , a lot of talking(idolatrization as you mentioned), and people boasting about how enlightened they were. The discussions were not really moderated, people were talking at the same time, showing off their knowledge on kundalini as if it was a "who knows more" battle. It felt neither comfortable, nor spiritual.

A friend of mine also went there and got the same unwelcoming and kind of low-consciousness vibe.

However, meditating with a group and in a place especially designed for this can be an empowering practice, especially if one loses a bit of the motivation. I'm thinking about trying Sahaja again, this time in Pitești.

Could you exempilfy the incredible results? I'm a bit skeptical and would like to hear your experience. 

Have you tried it in Ro(assuming you're Romanian) or somewhere else? Thanks!


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@Marah I first tried it in Iasi a few years ago and encountered the same thing as you did in Cluj  but I gave it another try when I moved to London and I decided to experiment with the techniques. I discovered much less resistance while doing it than I did when I was practicing Kriya Yoga from the book that Leo recommended and it gave me a lot of clarity. It felt silly at first because the meditation involves some affirmations like "I am my own master" "I am the spirit" "I'm not gulity" or " please mother give me the pure knowledge"(Mother is either Sri Mataji or the Kundalini energy) but I was suprised at seeing how strong my perception shifed after the meditation. I do combine it with presence practice and it makes it much easier to be the observer rather than the content. It is worth a try in my opinion and for me serves as a powerful tool right now and I don't really understand how come it's not more popular with spiritual parcticioners also considering that it's free. Maybe a lot of people who give it a try ar put off by the idolatrisation that takes place from some of the people that are leading the seminars and the affirmations that are involved...

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@Cineva I remember those affirmations, also felt a bit cheesy, but I can see their use: autosuggestions that give inner strength or triggers for some older wounds( e.g.: the affirmation "I'm guity" can make someone who struggles with a guilt complex to expose and surpass it).

Maybe the fact that it's free undermines Sahaja Yoga's credibility to those who believe that a service's worth can only be measured by its price or to those who jump to conspiration theories that there must be something wrong behind free stuff( ''There's no such thing as a free lunch''). Anyway, it's admirable that a spiritual practice is offered for free and made accessible; it's a noble cause after all...

Great thing that it works for you and that you managed to go beyond the first impressions! I'll try it this week; I guess that what makes the difference is the intention and consistency one has when embarking on such a journey.

Edited by Marah

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