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A meditation technique I found for studying

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I just had thought of it, and it helps me so much, and I had just started using it like an hour ago. Every time you study you usually get so sucked up in studying and rationality that you are actually unaware. Each time you study, let's say (math), and you write in your notebook: Each time you get to a new page, write above in huge "AWARE" or "PRESENT", in a bold way that you'll see it. Also, every time you realize it, write on the lowest part of the page "AWARE", but each letter seperated by a dot, which means how many times you realized it. So if I write "A.W.ARE", it means that I realized 3 times. first (A), second (W), third (A), and RE because I had moved to the next page..

Just a cool technique, you can play with it however you want.

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