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Alba Weinman - 100s hrs of channeling/regression/healing sessions.

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Alba Weinman is a hypnotherapist. She does past lifes/channeling/helps with healing
Her channel is comprised of 100s of sessions, each 1-3 hours long.

There are a lot of HQ consciousness lessons spreading trough them , channeled from peoples higher-selves or from other teacher-entities.
It is also great to hear all these unique past life perspectives and why people came here, what did they learn, what do they still carry around, a way to heal it ect.
Why the connection to trees, to dolphins, special talents, why nostalgic ... They are also learning experiences.

You may book a session with her trough her website if you want, its quite packed, but you might manage.

I watch these while I work, as sessions can be slow sometimes, some people do not get so deep.

Final note:
Do not dismiss this as some kind of new age BS, 100s of regular people do these sessions and say the same things.
Also if you have done any form of hypnosis, you know that it is not you: the ego that is talking, showing or hallucinating.

You are a vessel, trough witch spirit flows.
You are not the film, you are the light that shines trough.

Her channel:

Some sample videos:


Also check this guy out: He's amazing, what a energy ..... damn


Edited by Yog

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