
Brainstorming Ideas

1 post in this topic

Hey all ! First of all thank you for reading this!

I wanted to hear some ideas from others just to see what happens :)

I am 31 and I just stopped my career as a (C#) developer. It doesn't fit my heart/gut feeling to do what all that i have been doing till this day (not that i regret any of it, neither that i think i should have been doing something else) but i don't know yet what i "should" be doing, which will fulfill this feeling but i do have a positive feeling and belief that it will come clear for me one day.

I am a very good talker (even if it's me saying it here) , I can get so energized talking and talking for hours if it's about health and well being or helping someone that is facing certain issues. I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE wherever it is that i can help them. I am great at pinpointing the cause of any issue. I have a great sense of empathy.

I have thought about numerous ideas but none of them kind of gives me this "yes, that's it!" moment.

So I am still searching for what is it that i will do here on earth.

Things like:

- life coaching (physical/mental)

- HR or any business area where human well being should be applied

- developing an App or website for human well being

- some other things but these would be only to have multiple income running not what would drive my ambition


I'm going to be straight up, I don't think these above things are in anyway "good or bad" but my vision, my ambition, my urge is going towards HUGE impact.

The kind of thing that sticks after I am "gone" :)

I want to change the world, not in a way that I want the world to be like I want, but there are soooo many things (which I accept for what they are) that could be "improved" for the future in general. I know that if I "change" myself, I am changing the world, "be the change you want to see in the world", and I am trying to work on that on a daily bases for several years now. I will dedicate my life to this!

I am aware that for example I can change 1 person during a 1 on 1 and that this person changes a mass of people and so on, I know this, but that is somehow not what I am looking for (I am very open to suggestions of any kind so please don't hesitate!!!) the purpose of this topic is to brainstorm, there is no good or bad idea's here but a world of opportunities.

Let me know what you think, what are some ideas you have?

Do you want to make a big impact here on earth, not for yourself, not for fame or money but for the "sake" of human well being?

Please, share your insights and ideas!

Thank you!



Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

∞∞∞∞ Rumi ∞∞∞∞

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